Intelligent safety Platform

We help Corporates create an environment of safety and security and a culture of preparedness

Live Stream for emergencies
Emergency Safety Platform

Platform Features

Emergency Platform

Rapid Response

We enable you to get the right response within minutes, from the nearest emergency response teams. We can effect this through our command center for emergency management which is also integrated with the police control room.

Powered by Public-Private Partnerships

Our public-private partnerships with the police & fire departments and our integration with the medical emergency services and emergency response teams, helps reach rescue to the scene, within minutes of an emergency being triggered.

Emergency Command Center​
Emergency Command Center​

Human-backed, Technology Solutions

All our safety and emergency redressal solutions are backed by the technology-powered Omnipolis Emergency Monitoring Center; manned by expert and empathetic professionals to ensure speedy redressal, round the clock.

How the Platform Works

You can ‘trigger an emergency’ with the press of a button. This activates redressal, rescue and communications, all in parallel and seamlessly.


Immediate Support

When ‘help’ is pressed, your employee gets immediately connected to you, our Command Center & Police Control Room.

alert icon

Instant Notifications

Location details and redressal measures are shared with the employee’s safety circle & the organization’s safety champions.

alert icon

Raise Alarm

At the emergency location, a siren goes off to alert people nearby and passers-by that help is needed at the location of the emergency trigger.

Choose the intelligent and dependable solution for the safety & emergency needs of your employees and company


For 10+ years, team behind Omnipolis has addressed over 12,500 emergencies with an average response time of < 10 minutes.


Over 850 organizations have relied on our 24x7 Emergency Monitoring Center for their safety needs.


We have retained 93% of our clients for over 3 years because they trust our human-backed, technology solutions.