women Safety App

Using Technology to Ensure Workplace Safety for your Employees & Women Staff in Emergencies

Today, we are all occupants of highly uncertain times. Be it at home or at work, safeguarding oneself is of paramount importance. Knowing that natural and unanticipated disasters can occur any time, there is a greater need to explore methods and technologies that can provide immediate relief and safety.

On a daily basis, we hear about workplace emergencies on the news. Be it the recent massive fire at a bio chemical factory in Gujarat or the gas leak in Visakhapatnam, safety for employees has gained widespread attention and concern. With injuries and fatalities becoming the order of the day, the pressure on organisations to ensure safe working conditions for their employees has increased significantly.

Incorporating a safety plan for employees and women staff in case of an emergency is not just a prerequisite but also a legal requirement.

Owing to the influx in technological developments, there are a multitude of safety network apps and apps that alert police. They don’t just play a crucial role in ensuring emergency response and rescue efforts but also personal safety.

Importance of Installing a Panic Trigger at your Workplace

When it comes to responding to an emergency, knowing what steps to take can be crucial. If you are a manager at an organisation, it is your responsibility to assess potential threats and dangers, and take a proactive approach to address them before they blow out of proportion. Your employees must feel safe on the job. This is especially critical for women who regularly encounter strangers owing to the nature of their job.

The most intelligent way to go about it is by relying on an emergency platform or panic app for Android and iOS that immediately alerts the police in situations where the safety and security of an employee is at threat. This could be a theft, fire, violence, entry of unwanted intruders or any other medical emergency.

Installing an emergency trigger or panic button help employees, particularly women feel safe on the job. However, the placement of these triggers has a lot to do with the floor plan of your business. Typically, it should be placed at locations where the safety of an employee is likely to be compromised such as reception, lunch room or at the rear of your premises. Triggers that are strategically-located offer stricter law enforcement.

To help organisations prepare, respond and mitigate risk towards employees and assets, Omnipolis is the ideal 360-degree support solution that fosters an environment of safety and encourages a culture of preparedness.

Built using top-notch technology, the safety device can be used onsite or offsite to alert emergency response teams to act based on the kind of situation and crisis.

Now more than ever, the need to ensure the safety of your employees is important. When drafting an emergency plan for your organisation, ensure you make smart and intelligent choices.

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